The topics covered by GCCE2012 include, but are not limited to, the following:
Future TV, Mobile TV, Ultra HDTV, Network TV, Smart TV, 3D Imaging and Display, OEL, VoD, Visual Media Communication, Super Resolution Signal Processing
Still and Video Cameras, Audio Systems and Technologies, Video Processing and Codecs, Recording, Storage Compression, Transcoding, Content Indexing, Video Enhancement, Interactive Video Streaming, Visual Quality Assessment, AV System Evaluation
Antennas, Acquisition, Equalization, Spectrum Usage, Software Radio, Wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11 Standards, Bluetooth, RFID, WPAN, Wireless Power Transmission
Wired and Wireless Networks at Home, Home Gateway, QoS, Peer-to-Peer, Bridges, Interoperability, Application Control, PVR, Home Theater, Interconnects, Gaming Devices and Systems, Internet Integration
Mobile Broadband, Handheld and Wearable Computers, Personal Multimedia Devices, Next-Generation Cellular, AV Streaming to Handheld Devices, Smart Phone Technologies
Navigation, Driver Assistance, Car AV Systems, In-Car Internet, Communication Aspects, Sensors and Controls for Automotive, Automotive UI
Gesture Operation, Multitouch, Natural User Interface, Haptics, User Experience, HCI for CE, Usability, User Centered Design, Accessibility, Special-Needs/Assistive Technology
Copy and Redistribution Protection, Payments, Parental Controls, CE and Digital Content Issues, Data Collection, Biometrics, Privacy, Encryption
Optical Storage, Magnetic Storage, Next-generation Storage Media, Semiconductor, Storage Technology, Cloud Media, Interactive Media, CE and Cloud Computing
Smart House, HEMS, BEMS, FEMS, CEMS, Smart Meter, Power Monitor, Energy Storage, On-site Power Generation, Sensor and Network for Smart Grid, Internet of Things
Home Medical Equipment, Medical IT/ICT, Wellness Devices, Healthcare Application
Embedded System, Embedded OS, Embedded Software, Advanced Semiconductors, Development Tools, High-density Mounting
Solar Cell, Wind-generated Electricity for CE, Energy Harvesting, Rechargeable Energy
High Speed Signals and Interconnects, Algorithms, Intellectual Property, Manufacturing and Test Technology for CE, Recyclable Engineering, Product Safety, White Goods