IEEEIEEE Consumer Electronics Society2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics

GCCE 2013 | Makuhari Messe, Tokyo, Japan | OCT. 1-4 2013


IEEE GCCE 2013 has a Tutorial Session for researchers and engineers.

[Wednesday, October 2, 10:00]
English Education for Students and Researchers in the Fields of Science and Technology and How to Write Academic Papers

Japanese English education has been focusing on teaching passive skills such as reading and listening. This education policy is still the same today except for some educational institutions. On the other hand, actual business activities in the current research institutions in Japan are requiring not only passive English skills but also "active English skills" such as writing, speaking, and presentation. These active skills are indispensable, particularly for Japanese students and researchers in the fields of science and technology because their research results should be fairly evaluated from an international perspective.

The key to realizing this type of education is to make a complete review of the conventional English education system and to make the shift to a new system that helps develop active English skills by dealing with more practical and specific educational content. This lecture shows a guideline to future English education in Japan and explains how to write academic papers in English, focusing on young Japanese students and researchers.



Dr. Noboru Kyouno